Frequently Asked Questions

When is the offsite taking place?

Monday, December 6 – Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Where will the offsite take place?
How do I get to the offsite (travel logistics)?

We have arranged for group flights from Albany, Denver, Newark, New York (JFK), Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, DC (DCA).  If you are traveling from outside anywhere without a group flight, you will need to book your flight to Phoenix.

We’ll also provide shuttle transportation from the Phoenix airport to the hotel on Monday, and then back again to the airport on Wednesday.  Visit our Transportation page for the details.

Do I need to share a room?

We’re growing REALLY fast! This means that In order to allow everyone to attend the meeting, we need to double up folks in hotel rooms. If you would like to make a roommate request, you’ll have an opportunity to do so when we send out the meeting survey.

How will my roommate be selected?

You’ll have an opportunity to request a roommate when we send out the meeting survey in October. Please check with your proposed roommate first. We will only honor reciprocal requests, and while we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to honor every request, we’ll do our best.

If I request my own room, what will the charge be?

If you would like to request a single, you’ll have an opportunity to do that as well on the survey. Keep in mind that we can only offer up singles after we ensure we can accommodate all attendees within our room block. If we have extra rooms available, we are happy to offer you a single for an additional fee.  If there are special circumstances that preclude you from sharing a room, please reach out to Marianne Hoeft ( to discuss. If you simply prefer to be alone, a single will cost an additional $130.50/night. You will need to send a check for $261, payable to Noodle Partners, prior to December 1 to:

Noodle Partners
Attn: Chey Ramos
860 Broadway, #6F
New York, NY 10003

If I am an hourly employee, how do I track time? (OT?)


How do I share my eating restrictions? Will there be accommodations?

In mid-October, we’ll be sending out a survey to all Noodlers, which will including group flight options, roommate selection, and dietary preferences. You’ll have a chance to note your preferences on the survey, and we’ll be sure to accommodate.

How is the offsite accommodating disabilities?

If you have circumstances that require special accommodations, please contact Linda Nessim and we’ll work with the hotel directly.

How is the offsite accommodating disabilities?

If you have circumstances that require special accommodations, please contact Linda Nessim and we’ll work with the hotel directly.

Will there be time for recreational activities?

We have recreational time set aside as part of the meeting agenda. If you would like to enjoy additional free time, we recommend you to book your own flight and arrive for the weekend prior to the meeting.

*Details for activities during OYO hours*

Do I need to prepare anything?

Not at this time. If you need to prepare anything, we’ll be in touch.

If my “plus one”wants to join me, should he/she arrive?

Your “plus one” is welcome to arrive on Friday and join you for the weekend prior to the meeting. Our meeting will officially begin at 4:00pm on Monday, December 6, and at that point, the event will be for Noodlers only.

Will Noodle support childcare needs while I’m at the offsite?


Do I have to go to the offsite?


I will be on leave during the offsite, do I need to attend?


Do I have to be vaccinated to attend the offsite?

Yes. As of 6/1/21, our offices and events are vaccine-only spaces. For more information, please see our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in the Noodle Wiki. All Noodlers are required to complete the confidential vaccination Google Form.