Bryan Cook Director of Higher Education Policy Urban Institute James DeVaney Senior Advisor to the President University of Michigan Vanessa Díaz, PhD Director of Student Success Northern Virginia Community College Rajagopal Echambadi President Illinois Institute of Technology Elliot Felix Higher Education Practice Lead Buro Happold Renique Kersh Vice President for Student Affairs University of Maryland, Baltimore County Arthur Levine Interim President Brandeis University Michael L. Lomax President United Negro College Fund Ted Mitchell President American Council on Education Chris Motz Chief Partnerships Officer University of Maryland Global Campus Mark R. Nemec President Fairfield University Brian Rosenberg Visiting Professor Harvard University Janelle Simmonds Global Enablement Lead Siemens Digital Industries Software Louis Soares Principal The Soares Group Debbie Sydow President Richard Bland College of William & Mary Van Ton-Quinlivan CEO Futuro Health Ken Udas Vice Provost, Digital Learning Initatives University of Idaho Scott Verzyl VP for Enrollment Management University of South Carolina Jeffrey W. Warner Executive Director Professional Education Georgetown University SCS Ian Wilhelm Deputy Managing Editor The Chronicle of Higher Education Bryan Cook Director of Higher Education Policy Urban Institute James DeVaney Senior Advisor to the President University of Michigan Vanessa Díaz, PhD Director of Student Success Northern Virginia Community College Rajagopal Echambadi President Illinois Institute of Technology Elliot Felix Higher Education Practice Lead Buro Happold Renique Kersh Vice President for Student Affairs University of Maryland, Baltimore County Arthur Levine Interim President Brandeis University Michael L. Lomax President United Negro College Fund Ted Mitchell President American Council on Education Chris Motz Chief Partnerships Officer University of Maryland Global Campus Mark R. Nemec President Fairfield University Brian Rosenberg Visiting Professor Harvard University Janelle Simmonds Global Enablement Lead Siemens Digital Industries Software Louis Soares Principal The Soares Group Debbie Sydow President Richard Bland College of William & Mary Van Ton-Quinlivan CEO Futuro Health Ken Udas Vice Provost, Digital Learning Initatives University of Idaho Scott Verzyl VP for Enrollment Management University of South Carolina Jeffrey W. Warner Executive Director Professional Education Georgetown University SCS Ian Wilhelm Deputy Managing Editor The Chronicle of Higher Education