TBA Inside Higher Ed Vik Agarwal Co-founder, CEO EdifyOnline Austin Agho Chief Integration Officer & Senior Advisor Old Dominion University Beth Akers Economist American Enterprise Institute Willie Banks Vice Chancellor Student Affairs UC, Irvine Rob Bielby Managing Director Huron Nick Bradley Director Huron Dr. Dean Chang Chief Innovation Officer University of Maryland Bryan Cook Director of Higher Education Policy Urban Institute Sara Custer Editor-in-Chief Inside Higher Ed Evangeline Cummings Executive Director Johns Hopkins University James DeVaney Special Advisor to the President University of Michigan Vanessa Díaz, PhD Director of Student Success NOVA Online Raj Echambadi President Illinois Institute of Technology Elliot Felix Higher Education Practice Lead Buro Happold Gareth Fowles VP Enrollment and University Advancement Lynn University Kristen Fox CEO Business-Higher Education Forum Sean Gallagher Director Huron Consulting Group Stephen Green Chief Partnership Officer Noodle Phil Hill Educational Technology Consultant Phil Hill & Associates John Katzman CEO Noodle Renique Kersh Vice President for Student Affairs University of Maryland, Baltimore County James Richard Kvaal Former Under Secretary U.S. Department of Education Paul Lannon Partner Holland & Knight Doug Lederman Editor & Co-Founder Inside Higher Ed Arthur Levine Interim President Brandeis University Michael L. Lomax President United Negro College Fund Dr. Cheryl McConnell, PhD President St. Joseph’s University Ted Mitchell President American Council on Education Michael Moe Founder and CEO GSV Chris Motz Chief Partnerships Officer University of Maryland Global Campus Mark R. Nemec President Fairfield University Nancy O’Neill Executive Director University System of Maryland Kenna Ose VP, Market Development Unicon Kelly Otter Dean Georgetown University Brian Rosenberg Visiting Professor Harvard University Erin Finn Saraceni VP for Enrollment Management Thomas Jefferson University Janelle Simmonds Global Enablement Lead Siemens Digital Industries Software Ed Smith-Lewis SVP, Strategic Partnerships & ICB UNCF Louis Soares Principal The Soares Group Peter Stokes Managing Director Huron Consulting Group Debbie Sydow President Richard Bland College of William & Mary Van Ton-Quinlivan CEO Futuro Health Ken Udas Vice Provost, Digital Learning Initatives University of Idaho Scott Verzyl VP for Enrollment Management University of South Carolina Karen Vignare VP, Digital Transformation for Student Success The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Jeffrey W. Warner Executive Director Professional Education Georgetown University SCS Ian Wilhelm Deputy Managing Editor The Chronicle of Higher Education Vik Agarwal Co-founder, CEO EdifyOnline Austin Agho Chief Integration Officer & Senior Advisor Old Dominion University Beth Akers Economist American Enterprise Institute Willie Banks Vice Chancellor Student Affairs UC, Irvine Rob Bielby Managing Director Huron Nick Bradley Director Huron Dr. Dean Chang Chief Innovation Officer University of Maryland Bryan Cook Director of Higher Education Policy Urban Institute Sara Custer Editor-in-Chief Inside Higher Ed Evangeline Cummings Executive Director Johns Hopkins University James DeVaney Special Advisor to the President University of Michigan Vanessa Díaz, PhD Director of Student Success NOVA Online Raj Echambadi President Illinois Institute of Technology Elliot Felix Higher Education Practice Lead Buro Happold Gareth Fowles VP Enrollment and University Advancement Lynn University Kristen Fox CEO Business-Higher Education Forum Sean Gallagher Director Huron Consulting Group Stephen Green Chief Partnership Officer Noodle Phil Hill Educational Technology Consultant Phil Hill & Associates John Katzman CEO Noodle Renique Kersh Vice President for Student Affairs University of Maryland, Baltimore County James Richard Kvaal Former Under Secretary U.S. Department of Education Paul Lannon Partner Holland & Knight Doug Lederman Editor & Co-Founder Inside Higher Ed Arthur Levine Interim President Brandeis University Michael L. Lomax President United Negro College Fund Dr. Cheryl McConnell, PhD President St. Joseph’s University Ted Mitchell President American Council on Education Michael Moe Founder and CEO GSV Chris Motz Chief Partnerships Officer University of Maryland Global Campus Mark R. Nemec President Fairfield University Nancy O'Neill Executive Director University System of Maryland Kenna Ose VP, Market Development Unicon Kelly Otter Dean Georgetown University Brian Rosenberg Visiting Professor Harvard University Erin Finn Saraceni VP for Enrollment Management Thomas Jefferson University Janelle Simmonds Global Enablement Lead Siemens Digital Industries Software Ed Smith-Lewis SVP, Strategic Partnerships & ICB UNCF Louis Soares Principal The Soares Group Peter Stokes Managing Director Huron Consulting Group Debbie Sydow President Richard Bland College of William & Mary Van Ton-Quinlivan CEO Futuro Health Ken Udas Vice Provost, Digital Learning Initatives University of Idaho Scott Verzyl VP for Enrollment Management University of South Carolina Karen Vignare VP, Digital Transformation for Student Success The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Jeffrey W. Warner Executive Director Professional Education Georgetown University SCS Ian Wilhelm Deputy Managing Editor The Chronicle of Higher Education